They come from a different ‘erotic blueprint’ and fail to understand each others’ turn ons. Happily married, and completely in love, Damon and Erika are apparently experiencing a sexual disconnect, which Jaiya quickly diagnoses as a sexual misunderstanding. The first episode of the docu-series sees couple Damon and Erika team up with somatic sexologist and educator Jaiya to determine their ‘erotic blueprint’.

The series follows a couples from varying contexts, all of whom are experiencing issues in intimacy or communication, pairing them with experts in the field. Whilst this series is rooted in sex, the nature of the show allows for greater explorations into connection, communication and intimacy – useful tools for any man looking to leave a lasting impression. Love her or loathe her, there are worse ways to nurture your mind, body and spirit than through sex and intimacy. And based on Paltrow’s track record, it’s almost a certain bet that sexual health will be the next great trend we see in wellness. And whilst we’re trying to keep up, Paltrow and her team have been busy researching, birthing Love, Sex & Goop, their latest sex-infused project. She was on kale before it became a mainstay in every Eastern Suburbs smoothie, by which time she’d moved onto crystals, now the neckpiece of every Byron Bay holidaymaker. However why that is perceived as a negative trait is confusing, especially given her proven success in the wellness industry and the increasing market value of her lifestyle brand… the truth is that she’s simply living 4 years in the future, and that’s hard for some of us to comprehend. Paltrow has become the unfortunate punching bag when it comes to alternative and often explorative wellness practices, a seemingly easy target thanks to her overt vulnerability and openness to explore new ideas. Tarah and EJ discuss the show and how they relate to it as couples therapists and as a couple themselves navigating a lifelong intimate relationship.Last week saw the release of Gwyneth Paltrow’s second Goop documentary series on Netflix, Love, Sex & Goop, and it’s actually an extremely decent exploration of sexuality and relationships from the wellness guru and her team.

Experts help couples learn how to enhance their relationships through more pleasurable sex and deeper intimacy. In this episode, Tarah and EJ discuss the new Netflix show “Sex Love and Goop.” This series is produced by Gwyneth Paltrow and explores a variety of couples receiving support from experts in sexual wellness. When couples become comfortable talking about sex, they open the door to a mutually satisfying intimate relationship where they feel loved, cherished, and wanted. Unfortunately, sex and intimacy are frequently where couples are most ill-equipped to communicate constructively. Having the ability to express love and receive love from your partner is the foundation of wellness and satisfaction in your relationship. No issue is more complicated to navigate than a couple’s intimate relationship. When a couple seeks help for their relationship, they address various topics - communication, parenting, finances, family integration, appreciation, work/life balance, and of course, sex and intimacy.