“Solstice Pecile (FEI ID 10097395), who you allege is the perpetrator of these heinous acts, last competed in an FEI event in March 2019 and has not renewed her FEI registration since then. The FEI condemns such barbaric practices and those who inflict them in the strongest possible terms. They depict the utmost cruelty, which has no place in equestrian sport at any level and in any country, be it in or out of competition. The FEI told Horse Sport, “The images you shared with us are shocking and unbearable. The videos can be viewed here but please be warned that they depict very disturbing scenes.Īccording to the Wishing Stone website, Pecile, 23, competed in endurance from a young age and FEI CEIY events from 2013-2019. No other details were released by police at this time. The videos ‒ one depicting a horse skidding on the pavement and another showing her laughing at the horse, bleeding from its hooves, calling it a “retard” ‒ have caused justified outrage on social media and have led to Northumberland OPP investigating a “possible cruelty to animal incident”. She then proceeds to tell the story of how Carmen became a prostitute after she was disowned by her father, the Reverend.Solstice Pecile of her family’s Wishing Stone Farm in Bailieboro, Ontario shared disturbing videos of her “training” a client’s horse recently by dragging it behind a moving vehicle. She informs him that Carmen and Vincent are now married and living happily. If Geralt does not kill Vincent, a nun is present at the safe house instead.If Geralt apologises for killing Vincent, she tells him that she may forgive him someday, but not today. She also refers to the Reverend as the "plowing Reverend". That pregnancy caused her father, the Reverend, to throw her out onto the streets leaving her few options. She was raped by Mikul and his fellow guards, which is how she got pregnant. She then reveals the story of how she became a Viziman whore. In the Epilogue, if Geralt has killed Vincent the werewolf, we find Carmen one last time at the safe house where she again calls the witcher a bastard for killing the only person she ever loved.During the party at Shani's house, Carmen's toast to the departed is to Hela. Carmen reveals that her real name is Hela in later conversations, which she claims to be too common.

I met Carmen in a strange house in the rebellion-ravaged Temple Quarter. I freed Vincent from the lycanthropy curse and managed to convince him that Carmen is worthy of his love. She turned out to be quite entertaining, as I expected she would be. only if Geralt invites Carmen to Shani's party: All the local strumpets value her opinion, and it could be said that Carmen is their representative. Journal Entry I met Carmen, a prostitute from Vizima's slums.